(Photo Courtesy Of The UnOfficial 'Erik Barber Is My Cowboy' Website)
Barber feels as the new guy on the team, the fans just haven't had a chance to get to know him yet. "Give me some time Max, I'll win them over and then you'll be looking at the #1 Vote getter." Erik is known best for his freestyle rapping ability and his amazing fashion sense. His album "drops" later this year and we'll be sure to link to it or at least get a bootleg copy to post on the site.
If you'll remember Murkey and Van Buren had their best season last year when they were on a strict eating and workout plan together. They were BFF 4 EVER...maybe they are trying to recapture lightning in a bottle.
When I tried to reach Murkey for a comment he quickly hung up the phone.
Knights Outfielder Mike Vogel is off filming his latest scary movie...the trailer for Cloverfield can be seen here. http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/11808/ Vogel was last seen gasping for air in the Poiseiden Adventure remake..."Poiseidon". Vogel should make his triumphant return to the Knights sometime in late August.
I hear that Williams kid is originally from the Chicago area, and we all know that they know how to "get out the vote" in Chi-town. Rumor has it he is receiving votes from as far away as North Carolina, Florida, and New York City. I know there are a lot of Marine Biologist types in Florida and North Carolina - but N.Y.C.??? Go figure.
This just overheard. The Williams kids stats may be down because he is missing his big brothers help. It seems his older brother went north to play in the Portland League and Jonathan has had trouble with his hitting stroke ever since.
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