In case you're not up to date on your baseball rule book. Baseball is a sport played between two teams usually of nine players each. It is a bat-and-ballpitcher throws (pitches) a hard, fist-sized, leather-covered ball toward a batterbat, made of wood (as required in professional baseball) or a variety of other materials (as allowed in many nonprofessional games). A team scores runs only when batting, by advancing its players—primarily via hits—counterclockwise past a series of four markers called bases game in which a on the opposing team. The batter attempts to hit the baseball with a tapered cylindrical arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or "diamond."
Well, the Knights played this game with 8 players. Steve Fike started his first game of the season and would have fared well had it not been for the small inconveniences of NOT HAVING THREE OUTFIELDERS. Even still those Knights who did show up played hard and kept fighting to make sure they could give their few fans something to cheer about. Sadly in the end there was not much to cheer about, the Knights dropped their 2nd game straight and fell into 4th place with an 8-7 record.
I'm sure you're asking yourself - well who was missing? Here is that hallowed list of AWOL Knights:
Erik Barber
Rod Boaz
Ryan Brooks
Austin Hurwitz
Ian McDonald
Peter Nelson
Tony Sulser
Mike Vogel
So once again, the Knights attempt to pick up the pieces of a shattered season this Sunday against a team they have 2 dramatic come from behind victories against the SF Astros. Which team will show up on Sunday? The 15 Knights who fight to the death together or the 8 sheep being led to their slaughter...Tune In Same Time...Same Site next week to find out.Rod Boaz
Ryan Brooks
Austin Hurwitz
Ian McDonald
Peter Nelson
Tony Sulser
Mike Vogel
This is Max Mercy and I'll see you at the ballpark.
What a way to let your team down, guys.
Was this a protest / walkout / "blue flu" in response to the fan vote for all-stars?
What a bunch of whiny little babies!
When you join a team you make a commitment to that team. Get your priorities straight! Show up!
Losing is a Disease...as contagious as polio...as contagious as syphilis...as contagious as the bubonic plague...attacking one, but infecting all.
I think you guys should field 10 guys next time....only when Boaz is pitching. No, I dont mean stick another guy in the outfield or infield. Put another catcher behind the catcher to catch all the wild pitches.
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