CARSON, CA - Just when you think you've seen it all Knights fans...just when you think it can't get any stranger. It does. In a game which saw the Knights a man down, playing with 2 outfielders versus the first place Yankees...only down by one run going into the 9th inning. The game then was abruptly brought to a halt when Manager/Player Ryan Saul and 2nd Baseman Vincent Texiera were ejected from the game for "Unsportsman Like Conduct" what usually results in a 10 yard penalty and a loss of downs, resulted in the end of game.
So the Knights 7 were left standing on the field wondering what just happened...The Yankees were conflicted, on one hand they win and clinch first place, on the other hand they lose their 2nd baseman to ejection and an automatic one game suspension.
The Knights game started with the Lightning Bolt Boys playing hard despite being a man down, hanging with the Yankees and ready to play spoiler. Pitchers Rod Boaz and Jonathan Williams were dealing. Striking out 11 Yankees over the abbreviated 8 inning game. What the Knights couldn't get done on offense they took care of on defense. The speedy combo of Erik Barber and Pete Nelson patrolled the Carson outfield covering more ground than 3 outfielders. The underdog Knights were on track to upset the first place Yankees.
Despite being injured Knights starter Rod Boaz went 5 strong innings striking out 7 Yankees before being relieved by Jonathan Williams. Williams struck out 4 over his 3 innings of work, most of his strikeouts came on his split-finger fastball which was extra nasty this Sunday morning.
The only thing nastier was the ensuing fight in between the 8th and 9th innings. As 2nd baseman Ryan Saul began to jog out to his position, a unknown Yankee player shouted at him to "get in the box" referring to his last at bat where Saul took his time preparing for his at bat. This one remark changed the course of the game...and the Knights season. Mt. Saul erupted, making a B-Line for the owner of said comment. The Yankees headed Saul off at the pass and a good old fashioned baseball fight was in effect.

Like most
Baseball Fight's there was a lot of
screaming, name calling, individuals mentioning numerous times "I'll rip your head off" "No, I'll rip YOUR head off". But what really makes a Baseball Fight, a baseball that there are never any punches thrown. The only difference in this baseball fight is that is was 1 versus 9 and there was no one to hold back Saul. The Umps had seen enough, ejected Saul and Teixeira, knowing that this gave the Knights 7 players they headed for the hills, the 'Knights Game Ended In Shame™' and the Yankees clinched first place without having to finish the 9th inning.

The Knights historic skid continues losing their 6th straight game. The Knights having streaked into playoffs with a winning record the last 3 years and losing in the first round are trying something different, a losing streak. As it looks right now, with a loss next week versus the Cubs and a Storm win, the Knights will fall to last place and face the Yankees in the first round of the playoffs.
I'm Max Mercy and this article took entirely too long to write.
View All The Exciting Photos From The Game HereKNIGHTS QUEST FOR THE CUP

Knights will try to go for the championship starting in September, the return of El Toro...The return of the Murkules...The return of The Brooks...The Fike...basically everyone who has been missing for the last um, 6 months or so.
I look like Pigpen on the mound.
Yes, you do...
No you don't! You look like a guy who gives everything he has to the game. Keep up the good work (and I am working on a big contract and salary increase for next year, or we'll have you file for free agency).
Well at least your ERA is going down faster than your BA.
Oooh... that wasn't very nice.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
I KNEW I was an accident!!
Not an accident, just a "what ever".
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