Texas elite slugger Ryan Brooks has returned to the Knights clubhouse bringing his Texan charm and the bevy of female fans back to it's roots. Welcome back Brooksie.
In today's getting to know your Knights, we have a Q & A with longtime controversial Knight Austin "ATrain" Hurwitz.

TRAIN: I don't know what it means. I'll be honest, I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.
MM: There has always been talk about your shoulder, care to elaborate?

MM: What do you expect from the Knights this year?

MM: It's never been a secret that you and Management don't get along, why is it you clash with "The Judge?"

MM: What is your favorite word?

The Knights will continue their Spring Training schedule playing the Cubs on Sunday in Culver City. They have been working out non-stop since Pitchers/Catchers reported on Feb. 15th at their SC Facility located in a secret location in Southern California.

While the transition has mostly been smooth from the VABL to the LAMSBL there has been some fallout, apparently there are a few players in the Knights former league who don't know exactly how to react to the news that the Knights won't be there this year. So they lash out, sending nasty emails/comments to the editor of this fine publication. Fear not loyal Knights fans, it's very part of the grieving process and a sickness called "KLS" or Knight Loss Syndrome. When someone loses something dear to them, they must experience the five cycles of grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. From the tone of the emails, I believe they are well past the denial stage and now in the anger stage, next we'll start to receive emails of these individuals wanting the Knights back or trying to strike a deal...then to depression, where they will remove us from their bookmark....only to add us a week later to see "how the Knights did last week" and finally acceptance, where they will realize that nothing they can do will bring back the excitement that the Knights brought to the game of baseball for them.
To read more on this or if you think you are or someone you know is experiencing "Knight Loss Syndrome" go hear http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grief and learn more about what you can do to work your way through this hard time.
By popular demand the fans will get a more in depth look at what makes your favorite Knights tick. What get's them up in the morning...Who are their influences...
Some of the stories we are working on for future articles...
What Makes The "Quite Storm" Steve Fike tick?
Why is Player/Manager Ryan Saul always so Hot under the Collar? The truth behind the world-famous temper.
Is it true what they say about Peter Nelson's late night carousing? Does he really make Babe Ruth look like a saint.
Would Vogel leave the Knights if "Supercross 2: Dirty Bikes" came calling?
What secret did Jonathan Williams find in the oceans off Costa Rica in the offseason and will it help him to hit the curve ball?
How did Colyn Van Buren get so good looking? Genes or hard work?
Will the new LAMSBL drug testing effect and Knights this season (no i'm not naming names).
all this and more, this 2007 Season of Knights Baseball.
I'm Max Mercy and this has been another amazing article, by me.
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Great work.
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